Sandra J. Boyd


Nothing Common About Prayer

Uncommon Conversations with God

When I pray, I am speaking to my creator, the one who knows everything I have ever thought, said, and done—the good, the bad, and the really bad. After years of uttering prayers full of nonsensical rants, selfish pleas, and insincere thanks, the time had come for me to shake up my prayer life. So, I created a prayer blog titled Nothing Common about Prayer: Uncommon Conversations with God ( I have chosen 70 edited prayers from the blog as the contents of a devotional/prayer book with the same title. Each selection begins with God speaking (scripture), my response (prayer), and a question or thought to consider.

3D cover

Are you tired of using the same worn-out phrases?

Do you sincerely wish to speak to God but have no idea what to say or how to say it?

Then these prayers may be used as a catalyst to set aside a space for prayer with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The everyday, candid literary style of the prayers will resonate with those who want to converse with God without the intimidation factor. It is, in its simplest form, a conversation.

NCAP Overhead

You [Jesus] couldn’t even pluck grain from a stalk and put it in Your mouth on the Sabbath without being called out by a teacher of the law. You, who watched Moses receive the law on Sinai, getting called out by a Pharisee. (No wonder they got on Your nerves.)

From the prayer Freedom

Your throne is infused with the praise of the trees, the waves, the singing bird and braying animals, and of Your children. Jesus presents You with platters of prayers, and You fill Your ears and mouth with them—continually hearing and answering.

From the prayer Imagination

[Jesus] You chose to use dirty dishes and tombs as the description of the insides of the Pharisees. What do You see in my insides?

From the prayer Inside

Archimedes had some great ideas about counting sand. I wonder if You were on his mind when he theorized the number of grains of sand it would take to fill the universe (one followed by 80 quadrillion zeros—who knew?). I imagine You smiling as You watched him do the math by candlelight.

From the prayer Vast

About the Author

Sandra J. Boyd

Sandra J. Boyd is a writer and blogger, retired after a twenty-year career in public higher education. Her writing is a response to her love of scripture and decades of wonderment of God’s love and blessings. Born and raised in Michigan, Sandra now lives in Alabama with her husband and fifty-six pond fish.

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